Community involvement

Participants in the Cadillac Leadership program make the decision to spend nine months investing in themselves and their community. In doing so, they make new professional contacts, gain a deeper understanding of the business sectors that makeup our local economy, and identify and develop personal leadership skills. We ask our participants to answer the following question: How will you use your newfound knowledge and skills to create your own legacy of community involvement?

Community involvement can come in many forms. It might mean sitting on the board of a local non-profit, or volunteering a couple Saturdays a year for Project Christmas. It can be as involved as coaching a youth sporting team, or as low-commitment as sitting on the annual mock interview panel at the Career Tech Center. Our goal is to help participants find a way to give back that fits their interests and lifestyle.

Community service project

Historically, the Cadillac Leadership Program has included a community service project chosen by the class. The goal was to identify a community need and develop a project that will address that need. The project provided an opportunity for participants to work together in small groups, practice project development skills, and provide a benefit to the community.

The service project afforded Leadership participants an opportunity to practice skills necessary for being community trustees – coming to consensus and working with people of various backgrounds and interests. Participants gained lasting friendships, a better understanding of community needs, and shared sense of accomplishment for a job well done.

This tradition was continued for more than 30 years, with more than $1,000,000 raised by Leadership Classes through the support of the community.

Past projects

Community Partner: Cadillac Area Chamber of Commerce

Project: Relocation packets

Community Partner: City of Cadillac

Project: Cadillac welcoming signs

Community Partners: Council on Aging, Community Mental Health, Mercy Hospital, Lakeview Lutheran Manor & Autumnwood of McBain Day Break

Project: Adult Day Care Center

Community Partner: Michigan Dept. of Transportation

Project: Highway clean up

Community Partner: Cadillac Teen Center

Project: Chaperoned dance

Community Partner: Cadillac Area Chamber of Commerce

Project: Spirit of Community Award

Community Partner: Cadillac Leadership Program

Project: Extensive re-development of existing leadership program

Community Partner: Jaycees

Project: “Kenwood Community Playground”

Community Partner: American Heart Association

Project: “Jump Start Your Heart” defibrillators for local emergency vehicles

Community Partner: Wexford County

Project: “The Wex Floor…and More!”

Class Members:  Elain Collier, Dave Embertson, Wayne Fox, Tina Gehrke, Karen Guiney, Carlton Kohler, Cindy Long, Brian Lydick, Carol Morgan, Christie Norman, Elizabeth Schweitzer, Matt Seward, Deborah Thompson, Lionel Weedon, Jon Wennstrom, Tracy Winkle, Will VanderPol

Community Partner: CASA/City of Cadillac

Project: “Field of Dreams” Bridge Project

Class Members: Tom Aldrich, Kristen Anderson, Theresa Dimmick, Carol Donahue, Scott Farley, Katrina Griswold, Traci Hall, Julie Keller, Corey Kohler, Jim MacKenzie, Emily Potvin, Diane Seehase, Julie VanAlst

Community Partner: Wexford Co. Habitat for Humanity

Project: “Nehemiah II” Reading Book Project for second grade students

Class Members: Mona Alpers, Amy Bilyea, Kristin Bonney, Cristen Brandsma, Dave Champion, James Charles, Chad Denike, Charity England, Jeff Hawke, Tracey Kanouse, Rick Marczak, Pete Suminski, Donna Weaver

Community Partner: OASIS/Family Resource Center

Project: Project “Warm Welcome” building improvements to the women’s shelter

Class Members: Gary Anderson, Suzie Brannam, Carolyn Brooks, Colleen Buckley, Deb Christie, Patty Clous, Alan Cooper, Mike Finstrom, Jennifer Gaffke, Shelley Hurrell, Bobbi Jo Jacobson, Linda Kent, Brandy Loveless, Mary MacEachern, Tim Martin, Tim McNalley, Hollie Olson, Mary Rosser, Lois Stryzynski, Jeannine Taylor, Kevin Venhuizen, Christy Wennstrom

Community Partner: Cadillac Area Public Schools

Project: Cooley School “I Can” Project—renovations to the student center and enhancements to the entryway and gymnasium

Class Members: Jerry Adams, Paul Gaffke, Sara Garrod, Kristi Goebel, Brent Haskin, Karen Karpicke, Kathy Kimmel, Peter Lanc, Teresa Langworthy, Melissa Mcpherson, Krista Miller, Bill Mitchell, Ginger Ranguette, Sue Conradson, Holly Schonert, MaryJo Shivlie, Julie Snider, Nichole Young

Community Partner: Northern Lakes Community Mental Health

Project: Club Cadillac “Hope for the Future”—enhance, update & redesign the training area and improve the Lobby/Library area

Class Members: Shari Ault, Heather Brannam, Jon Catlin, Judy Catto, Josh Eling, Bonnie, Forbes, Sara Hoffman, Tammy Kangas, Pam Klifman, Peg Lutz, Katie McLaughlin, Rick Odette, Bruce Pfeiffer, Bethany Piziks, Sheila Richardson, Valerie Shultz, Tony Silveri, Nancy Tanner, Nat Wayman

Community Partner: Cadillac Area Public Schools

Project: Camp Torenta…Another 100 Years—construction of a new cabin

Class Members: Joanne Bear, David Cox, Barb Depew, Bob Hunt, Ginny Johnson, Mike Kelso, Stephanie Kline, Vicki Long, Brooks Lucas, Penny MacEachern, Carol Nelson, Leslie Nowlin, Lindsay Rumohr, Christiane Sanburn, Mark Sanburn, Shannon Smith, Jackie Soltman, Scott Tanner, Kari Wineland

Community Partner: New Hope Shelter Organization

Project: Renovation of a transitional home for families

Class Members: Iwalani Baker, Sandy Blevins, Patrick Bunting, Clare Colwell, Nancy Culp, Sharon Dagon, Jeffrey Dietlin, Carla Filkins, Elizabeth Hanson, David Holland, Amanda Johnston, Robert Lockhart, Ruth Mitchell, Donna Molnar, Lorie Moriarty, Charlotte Nisbet, Janeen Russell, Charles Schwarz, Chris Sodergren, Vincent Tembreull

Community Partner: United Way of Wexford County

Project: Wexford County “Get Connected” bringing 2-1-1 to our area

Class Members: Tom Armstrong, Tammy Arrand, Corey Christensen, Christy Church, Heather Corner, Wayne Crawford, Julie Dyer, Ryan Ellis, Leigh Gifford, Joanna Hoenshell, Sara Keinath, Tom King, Luther Lovell, Kristin McKinley, Dave Miller, Lori Murton, Laura Sawyer, Steve Selewski, Nancy Tanner, Andy Ulrich, Tera Veddler, Rob Wing

Community Partner: Cadillac Area Public Schools

Project: CAPS Quest Initiative

Class Members: Dan Alto, Catherine Bear, Kimberly Cool, Scott Duncan, Kristin Ellis, Eric Gustafson, Brad Hall, Randy Hill, Robyn Kohler, Rhonda Lung, Heather McClure, Laurie McKay, Susan Mongar, Rebecca Reinink, Julie Rushing, Carol Sanborn, Shana Strickler, Steve Townen, Amy Vail, Becky Vlassis

Community Partner: City of Cadillac

Project: “Cadillac Leadership Pride” Lakeside Pavilion at Kenwood Park

Class Members: Lisa Bannon, Rob Best, Chad Brunink, Chris Crawley, Joe Davy, Shelly Davy, Deb Garvon, Marielle Hill, Andy Holtgrieve, Nick Kassuba, Lia Krantz, Heather Martinson, Julie McAllister, Michelle Payne, Sandy Smith, Mark Snider, Jason Stahl, Tim Town, Rob Tuck, Marcia Wieringa

Community Partner: After 26 Project

Project: “Building Hope” The After 26 Patio Project

Class Members: Kris Barcey, Daniella Bell, Alan Belville, Katrina Bontekoe, Tina Champion, Ann Clous, Michelle R. DeView, Cody Dick, Michelle Geiger, Andrea Herman, Danielle Kline, Scott Leesch, Karl Marcusse, Nick Nowlin, Bill Panasiewicz, Heather Peterson, Brian Scwiegl, Annie Shetler, Dan Smith, Kelly Smith, Ken Tyrer, Shannon Lee Welihan, Dana Ray Willis

Community Partner: Wexford County Council on Aging

Project: “DayBreak…The Next Generation” New roofing, windows and siding to the home and detached garage

Class Members: Cheri Bechtel, Brian Bejcek, Jason Black, Kayla D. Bodary, Paul Booth, Jackie Bottomly, Julie Boss, Tracy Coe, Peg Devereaux, Lindsey Evans, Kyle Farmer, Cindy Frohmader, Lauren Heilman, Jeff Kassien, Jodi Keeler, Deb Maxey, Mike Morin, Zach Nimeth, Niki Schultz, Janine Skunda, Darcy Tacoma

Community Partner: City of Cadillac

Project: “Lakefront Play Project” Construction of an ADA compliant play structure to be placed along the Keith McKellop Walkway

Class Members: Mark Ashley, Rae Berwald, Adam Cooley, Steve Drabik, Josh Hesselink, Laura Hoisington, Meghan Howell, Jeff Jennette, Jenni Johnson, Jon Johnson, Laura Johnson, Serena Johnson, Kara Kosloski, Tac Lee, Buster McClure, Dan Miller, Jennifer Neff, Danielle Nordhof, Brian Priddle, Katelyn Richard, DeAnn Schneider, Kelli Schutte, Eric Seguin

Community Partner: Stehouwer Free Clinic

Project: “Stehouwer Free Clinic Improvement and Awareness Project” Supplied the entire clinic with new medical equipment

Class Members: Jojo Allen, Bob Badner, Matt Boersma, LeAnne Bush, Kendra Dolorfino, Cassandra Drys, Eric Gildner, Karie Hankins, Darin Kearns, Carl Kielbasa, Stefanie LaRoque, BobbiJo McNeilly, Jamie Mielke-Mitchell, Michelle Norton, Joshua Patrick, Craig Peters, Kerry Porter, Bill Rickard, Jason Roderick, Jerry Roth, Jenifer Smith, Becky Voelker

Community Partner: City of Cadillac

Project: Cadillac Splash! A new splash pad in the Cadillac Commons downtown development

Class Members: Eric Allen, Josh Bailey, Doug Barnes, Kathy Cress, Max Davidson, Lucas Dent, Sarah Dodde, Jennifer Downey, Kelly Duncan, Matt Engels, Brian Kelsey, Brittany Kielbasa, Helen M. Kiomento, Joni Krolczyk, Tammy McLeod, Shaina O’Dwyer, Sam Phelps, Judy Schulze, Edward Shaw, Tracy Sherman, Dean Smallegan, Patrick Spalding, David Stearns, Gary Weisheim

Community Partner: Friends of Mitchell State Park

Project: Launch Cadillac! Kayak and canoe docking system located on Lake Cadillac at the Wm. Mitchell State Park

Class Members: Kaycee Barber, Chris Blessing, Jeff Durga, Samantha A. Fent, Michael Henderson, Travis Hepfner, Monica Malcomnson, Sarah Moeller, Courtney Mulder, Mike Mullins, Jason Owens, Sindi Powell, Jake Punelli, Tim Rigling, Devin Sharp, Shaina Squires, Eric VanHaitsma

Community Partner: NMMBA

Project: “Cadillac Pathway Pavilion Project” Construction of a new pavilion at the Cadillac pathway trail head

Class Members: Chris Ball, Holly Barber, Robert Benson (Pastor), Brittany Brunink, Katie Deller, John Gatewood, Kevin Graham, Josh Hayes, MaryAnne Macintosh, Lindsay Majors, Jonathan Meeks, Craig McCarthy, Kelly Rhodes, Jimmy Rollo, Jacquie Sabo, Scott Slavin, Shannen Smith, Brad Soules, Caren Straight, Teal Vanderhoef

Community Partner: Footliters

Project: “Leadership in the Spotlight” A portable theater which included a state, sound equipment, and an enclosed trailer

Class Members: Kevin Baker, Michael Bush, Betsy Campbell, Tom Carrington, Joshua Fenner, Katie Frier, Ryan Harris, Eli Hoffert, Chris Kennard, Jarret Nelson, Allison Peters, Deb Rozeveld, Rebecca Salm, Andrea Thompson, Kristopher Toy, Tracy Logan-Walker

Community Partner: Cadillac Wexford Public Library

Project: Leadership by the Book: New furniture for the library.

Class Members: Steph Barron, Amy Barrozo, Tom Casperson, Michael Davis, Bryce Downing, Darrick Earegood, Michelle Gallagher, Karl Hanson, Shelly Harwell, Kenneth Hottenstein, Jim Jakubos, Kimberly Kindt, Nickolas Perrin, Bobbi Pontz, Alexandria Sian, Clayton Taylor, Jason Traviss, Brandy Waltemyer

Community Partner: City of Cadillac

Project: Shay Showcase: Renovated structure housing the Shay Locomotive.

Class Members:Ken Ames, Caitlyn Berard, Mike Colby, Amber Durst, Chandlar Gabara, Ashley McNalley, Paris Philo, Kristopher Smith, Moria Stoll, John Wallace


Contact Kelly Smith, Leadership Director

(231) 775-9775

222 North Lake Street
Cadillac, MI 49601