Be a part of the BEST CLASS EVER
Cadillac Leadership is a comprehensive program offered by the Cadillac Area Chamber of Commerce as a forum for current and future leaders to gather an awareness of trends, challenges, and issues that face the Cadillac area. Participants learn to anticipate change, act with decisiveness, and lead their communities successfully into the future.
Participants must:
- Live or work in Cadillac or the surrounding area.
- Be willing to fully participate in the program—Cadillac Leadership requires a large time commitment.
- Demonstrate a desire to better understand and improve leadership skills.
- Have interest in community involvement.
- Use regularly check communication platforms including email, Slack, Google Forms, etc.
Cadillac Leadership is an equal-opportunity program provided by the Cadillac Area Chamber of Commerce as a service to the community. Participation is open to both Chamber members and to non-members.
Class Topics/Schedule
Cadillac Leadership begins with a two-day retreat in September. After that, the class meets one full day per month October through June. Program graduation will take place at the Chamber Annual Awards Dinner in June.
Attendance at all class days is mandatory. Class members are also expected to attend the Governor’s Breakfast and the Chamber Annual Awards Dinner and an additional Government Day Trip to the Capital. (Seperate Day than listed below) The tentative schedule for the 2024-2025 class is below.
- Opening two-day retreat: September (September 26th-27th) (Overnight stay is mandatory) (Extreme situations may be discussed)
- Manufacturing Day: October 16, 2024 (Wednesday)
- Education Day: November 20, 2024 (Wednesday)
- Economy Day: December 11, 2024 (Wednesday)
- Media Day: January 15, 2025 (Wednesday)
- Government Day: February 19, 2025 (Wednesday)
- Health & Human Services Day: March 19, 2025 (Wednesday)
- Agriculture Day: April 16, 2025 (Wednesday)
- Cultural Day: May 21, 2025 (Wednesday)
- Closing Retreat and Graduation: June 18, 2025 (Wednesday)
There will be two additional half dates:
Thursday November 14,2025 1-5PM & Annual Gov. Breakfast (1/2 day AM in April)
One additional day will be added in 2025 for Capital Day in Lansing. (we will give you as much notice as possible)
Additional Information:
- Full-day sessions begin promptly at 8:00am and run until 5:00p.
- Dress code at all events is business casual unless otherwise noted.
- There will be field trip options offered outside of the normal meeting day. Participation in field trips, as well as additional Chamber events, is encouraged.
Tuition Pricing
- Tuition for the Leadership Class of 2025 is $1,500 for Chamber members who enroll and pay before June 30th. $1,600 for enrollees for July 1st- August 16th and $1,800 for non-Chamber members. Upon acceptance to the class, tuition is due in full by the end of September 2024. A limited number of partial-coverage scholarships are available to those in need of tuition assistance.
- Tuition fee payments are final and are not refundable once the applicant has accepted their spot in the class.
- Tuition due in full by end of September. (Please see tuition discount listed above)
To Know Before You Apply
- Applications open May 1 – August 16th, 2024
- Applications are due by Friday, August 16th, 2024. You will receive confirmation of receipt within 48 hours of sending your application. If you do not receive confirmation, please follow up by email to bmiller@cadillac.org to verify your application was sent correctly.
- Attendance is both mandatory and critical to the success of the program. Absenteeism may result in being dropped from the program. If you are unable to make the commitment, it is not in your best interest to apply at this time.
- Class participants selected and notified of acceptance status in early August; orientation is first week in September.
- Upon acceptance, a headshot, profile information, bio, and completed participation acknowledgement form will be required.
Cadillac, MI 49601